SEATED: Street Theatre Workshop and Live Performance

Ashton Town Centre



Find out more
Have you ever wanted to play with those lovely velvet burgundy cinema seats? You know the ones.
Maybe have adventures with them in different places? We have!


Greenbanks Productions presents “Seated”, a lively, interactive street show for all the family, featuring seats and all the weird and wonderful people that sit on them. What stories do our chairs have to tell?


As the stories move and change and we take you on a journey from scene to scene, seat to seat, the actors will help you join in on the fun (if you want to!) and imagine you are all with them on a rollercoaster, transported to a cinema, or maybe a barbershop…


This delightfully silly show will be performed for all to see on Ashton Market Square, free of charge, at 2pm on Monday May 6th. Come along and be taken on a whirlwind adventure from the comfort of your very own seat!


There is also a unique opportunity to be a part of the show too, either on stage or behind the scenes. We will be running workshops on 10am-1pm at the Holy Trinity Community Centre, Ashton-Under-Lyne, so whether you want to make your stage debut, or would rather try your hand at a bit of stage management, sound support or costume design behind the scenes, we'll have a job for you! Spaces on these workshops are limited, however, so please book your (free!)spot by filling in this form. The recommended age for this activity is aged 14+, no previous experience on or off stage is required, and it is very important you can attend the full day!


The workshops will be led by professional actors from Greenbanks Productions, who have a wealth of experience and silliness to share, in equal measure!


If you have any questions, please email


This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Dates & Times

Street Theatre, Improv and production workshop:10am-1pm on May 6th 2024 at the Holy Trinity Community Centre, Dean St, Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 7HD. A free lunch will be provided.

Setting up the performance space with professional actors: 1-2pm

Curtain Up! The performance of SEATED begins at 2pm, on Ashton Market Square, Ashton-Under-Lyne. Families, friends and vague acquaintances are all very welcome!



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